Previous visits (Patient 35524573)

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ArthralgiaHPO HP:0002829
Arthralgia/arthritisHPO HP:0005059
Absent muscle fiber calpain-3HPO HP:0030120
Ankle painHPO HP:0030840
Bladder painHPO HP:0032171
Pear-shaped noseHPO HP:0000447
StrabismusHPO HP:0000486
PtosisHPO HP:0000508
Global developmental delayHPO HP:0001263
Generalized hypotoniaHPO HP:0001290
Joint hypermobilityHPO HP:0001382
Failure to thriveHPO HP:0001508
Intrauterine growth retardationHPO HP:0001511
Small for gestational ageHPO HP:0001518
Short statureHPO HP:0004322
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