Previous visits (Patient 6jul22 ♂)

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Adrenal hypoplasiaHPO HP:0000835
Absent/hypoplastic paranasal sinusesHPO HP:0005453
Progressive visual lossHPO HP:0000529
Optic neuropathyHPO HP:0001138
Spastic paraplegiaHPO HP:0001258
DysarthriaHPO HP:0001260
Muscle spasmHPO HP:0003394
Babinski signHPO HP:0003487
Progressive spastic paraplegiaHPO HP:0007020
Reduced visual acuityHPO HP:0007663
Hyperintensity of cerebral white matter on MRIHPO HP:0030890
Periventricular white matter hyperintensitiesHPO HP:0030891
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