Previous visits (Patient SV-1)

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Tall statureHPO HP:0000098
Cleft palateHPO HP:0000175
Bifid uvulaHPO HP:0000193
High palateHPO HP:0000218
DolichocephalyHPO HP:0000268
Malar flatteningHPO HP:0000272
RetrognathiaHPO HP:0000278
HypertelorismHPO HP:0000316
AstigmatismHPO HP:0000483
Deeply set eyeHPO HP:0000490
Downslanted palpebral fissuresHPO HP:0000494
GlaucomaHPO HP:0000501
CataractHPO HP:0000518
Retinal detachmentHPO HP:0000541
MyopiaHPO HP:0000545
Dental crowdingHPO HP:0000678
Pectus excavatumHPO HP:0000767
Pectus carinatumHPO HP:0000768
HypertensionHPO HP:0000822
Hyperextensible skinHPO HP:0000974
Soft skinHPO HP:0000977
Bruising susceptibilityHPO HP:0000978
Striae distensaeHPO HP:0001065
Atrophic scarsHPO HP:0001075
Ectopia lentisHPO HP:0001083
ArachnodactylyHPO HP:0001166
Limited elbow extensionHPO HP:0001377
Pes planusHPO HP:0001763
TalipesHPO HP:0001883
Spontaneous pneumothoraxHPO HP:0002108
ScoliosisHPO HP:0002650
High, narrow palateHPO HP:0002705
Ascending aortic dissectionHPO HP:0004933
Thoracolumbar kyphosisHPO HP:0005619
Joint hyperflexibility (OBSOLETE, replaced by 'Joint hypermobility')HPO HP:0005692
Finger joint hypermobilityHPO HP:0006094
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the uvulaHPO HP:0010293
Hyperextensibility at elbowHPO HP:0010485
Dermal translucencyHPO HP:0010648
Descending aortic dissectionHPO HP:0012499
Joint subluxationHPO HP:0032153
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